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Your Ultimate Guide to make 2023 your BEST year yet!

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

In this blog, I'll share my experience as I guide you through the ultimate way to make your 2023 amazing. From setting goals, starting a bullet journal, manifestation and more different methods. I've got you covered!

Since I was little, I have always tried to set goals for the next new year and try to complete the long list of goals. But somehow, I always fail to finish or even begin checking of the list. As I grew older, these goals began to be more sensible and short termed. Instead of making a huge list of hard to achieve goals like wanting to build a rocket or buy a unicorn. I have started to research and use different methods to make my goals easier to achieve. Keep reading to find out more about the different methods I've used and why you should try them out too!

Table of contents

If you want to look at a specific method that you are particularly interested in, click the links down below to directly take you to the method you want to know more about! Also, I have included a FREE planner and goal tracker for you guys to download down below!

Heading #1: Start the year by setting realistic goals and making a vision board

Heading #2: Starting a journal, not just any journal, its your journal

Heading #3: Manifestation, Law of Attraction and Higher Vibrations


#1 Start the year by setting realistic goals and making a vision board

Although this first one may seem very easy and childish for some of you, this is one of the most important and significant way to make a fresh start in your year. First, lets start with setting realistic goals. By setting these goals, you will easily be able to keep track of what you want to achieve by the end of the year/month. You can start by something easy and achievable like 'Getting through this term/semester' or 'Make 1 friend at the new workplace/event I am going to'. By making something achievable and ticking of goals of your list, you will instantly feel more optimistic about the year.

One mistake people often make when setting goals is overwhelming themselves. For example, you want to gain or loose weight and you write your goal as 'Eat healthier'; this is way too brief, and you end up slacking on your goal or continuing the old way you used to eat. Instead of 'eating healthier', why not start breaking big goals in to little goals and make them more manageable. Start by 'drink a glass of water after waking up'. If your goal is to gain or loose weight, don't limit or count the number of calories you eat. Instead, try to figure out what is causing this situation. Maybe you are eating 'too much dairy like cheese and milk' or you're eating 'too less veggies'. After you have figured out what is causing this situation, you can write your goal as 'eat less cheese'. By 'eating less cheese', it doesn't mean completely cutting cheese out of your life, it just means eat less portions of cheese than you used to.

Another way of setting goals is using a vision board. Vision boards makes it easier to visualize your goal. Close your eyes and visualize who you want to be, or want you want to achieve. It doesn't matter if your goal doesn't fit other people's standards, if that makes you happy, go for it. One thing to keep in mind is that your goal doesn't hurt yourself or others. Search for pictures that make you think of your goal, I personally really like Pinterest when looking for inspiration or aesthetic pictures for my board. You can either do it digitally or on paper. If you're out of ideas, you can also check out my board for inspiration. By visualizing your goals and putting them somewhere you see every day, it motivates you to strive to be a better version of yourself.

👇Click here to download a FREE goal tracker👇

#2 Starting a journal, not just any journal, its your journal

I recently started to journal and it really did help me. There are so many types of journaling styles and you can choose which ever you like. For starters, there are bullet journals, junk journals, scrap books, memory journal, manifestation journal, or it can be a combination of them all. There is just so many to choose from! For me, I started a manifestation journal this year because I found out that there are so many benefits to it. For example, it makes you think more positive thoughts which is linked to physical health and reduces stress. If you are more of an artsy girl/guy try scrap books or bullet journal. If you're like 'nah arts not my thing', you can try just writing your thoughts down in words or whatever form you like.

No matter journaling or writing, it is very cathartic. It helps you express your strong emotions and makes you feel so much better. Everyone has a different way of expressing themselves, if journaling doesn't help. You can try expressing your emotions through your clothes, makeup to connect with your inner child. You can also try alternative methods if it helps expressing your emotions. One thing to keep in mind is to try expressing yourself in a healthy way.

In my journal, I always try to include elements of myself in it. I like to use different colours, aesthetic pictures and stickers. If you think that's not really your thing, try putting elements of you in it. This will make your journal more personalized and close to your heart.

# 3 Manifestation, Law of Attractions and Higher Vibrations

I have seen law of attraction and the word manifestation everywhere on social media. I did some of my own research and found out that there are different ways of manifesting my dream life. There are lots of different methods you can try out, but one I found the most useful is visualization, saying words of affirmations and gratitude. I know it may sound a bit skeptical a first, but why not try it? I personally believe in working hard and getting the results so I gave it a go. My way of thinking manifestation is NOT witchcraft, but rather making my thoughts positive and creating a better environment for my future self.

I downloaded an app on my phone which send words of affirmations every hour and it really does boost my confidence. Examples of affirmations would be 'I am strong', 'I allow myself to think positive thoughts', 'I will have a great 2023'. Another way of manifesting is through gratitude. I like to start my day off with something that I am grateful for like, 'Thank you for amazing friends and family'. Saying something like that will automatically set myself into a more positive mindset and be grateful for the things I already have in life.

How I view the law of attraction is that the more positive thoughts = attracts more positive things. Methods like words of affirmation and gratitude will help you have more positive thoughts.

Hope these little tips and tricks help! If you liked this type of content, please give it a like, so I'll know what content you enjoy the next time I post!

Comment down below what is one of your new year goals.

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