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How Digital detoxing can transform your well-being

In this week's post, I will guide and sharing my experience through ways of digital detoxing to be more productive, reduce stress levels and have a overall healthier lifestyle. From social media, internet addiction... I've got you covered.

Technology especially social media has been one of the most important aspects of my life for the past few years. I love to just browse the internet endlessly to the point that it negatively affected my daily life. Social media can be overwhelming and full of anti-positive energy. I used to check my phone the first thing in the morning and just scroll for hours and hours. I didn't even have time to do anything and it was already noon. My eyes were already sore by the time and I did not really have much energy to do much. I began to realize the effects of using technology in an unhealthy way and how if affected me. That's why today's topic is digital detox because if you're like me and have your eyes basically glued to your phone, keep on reading to find out how you can decrease your screen time and have a healthier lifestyle!


This post will be split in sections of different aspects of technology

#1 Social Media : Everyone is unique and we don't have to compare
#2 Screen time: Why don't we start with something small
#3 Boredom busters: What can I do instead of scrolling on my phone?
#4 Digital detox : An overall healthier lifestyle

#1 Social Media: Everyone is unique and we don't have to compare

I used to be a very self-conscious, we all have those days where we start getting picky about ourselves. Especially when everyone on social media looked so 'perfect and flawless'. Truth to be told, no one is perfect, not even your favorite celebs *Shocked*. That's why it is important to have some me-time and take a break from social media as a form of digital detox. Never compare yourself to anyone you see from social media because what you see may not always be the case. I feel like the standards of something is always changing and I used to feel worried that I cannot keep up with the trend or miss something. It is key to remember that you are special, unique and enough that even if you are not keeping up with the trend, because it is you that define your own beauty and how you view it.

Some ways we can reduce being self-conscious is trying looking at things in a slightly positive perspective. For example, some people think they have a big forehead, a 'fivehead' but instead of always being self-conscious about it, try thinking about it this way. According to research ' A large forehead is considered as intelligence and beauty in some cultures', sometimes our insecurities can turn into something that we are proud of. Often people who have unique features get into the modelling industry because how beautiful they are. This way of thinking has definitely made me feel less self-conscious.

#2 Screen time: Why don't we start with something small

Internet addiction can be very daunting, whether its social media addiction, gaming, or just the internet in general. Its rather hard to get rid of it. I had to think of ways to stop myself from being glued to the screen because it was just not a good habit (plus it was hurting my eyes). I tried hiding my phone, which did not work since I was the one hiding it. I tried limiting my screen time in the settings section which also did not work since there was options where you can have ' 1 more minute' or 15 more. I tried every single method and it did not work and possibly made it worse. Finally, I found two different ways that stopped me from scrolling on my phone and browsing the internet for hours, it finally worked. Keep reading if you want to know what method I've used and how you can too!

Here are two methods you can try: ( first one is rather spicy and intense, the second one is more mild and suitable for beginners)

1.I found this app called Opal which lets you block and screen limit which helped me greatly. I set a session on the app and named it 'study session', it was a few hours that I allow myself to have 0 screen time. It lets you choose different categories of apps you want to block up to 70 apps. After the session starts, I no longer had access to any of the apps I have blocked. There was not an option for '1/15 minutes', I couldn't change the settings in my phone or the app while in the session. Of course, after the sessions you will have access to your favourite apps again so not to worry.

2.If you found the method above too intense, you can try a more mild way which is for your internet browser. The extension called forest which is completely free unlike the Forest app. It allows me to block the websites I want. Your mission is to grow a tree, however, once you go off track, your tree will 'die'. If you succeed without going on your websites, you grow a tree. As you go further in your tree planting journey, you plant more trees that become a forest.

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#3 Bordom busters: What can I do instead of scrolling on my phone and browsing the internet?

After being glued to my phone, I come back to reality and realize I have nothing to do in real life. I am left feeling bored and have nothing better to do. I came up with this list of boredom busters so you don't have to think of them.

I can't tell you exactly what to do, but instead I'll give you a vague idea or suggestion. One of my favourite things to do while I'm away from the screen is either spending time with loved ones or unleashing my creativity. I like to grab my pencil and start drawing. If you don't have any idea what to draw, you can randomly start drawing and once you connecting the lines ideas start to pop up. Another way is spending time with loved ones. It can be anyone you love, it could be a pet, parent or siblings. Once you get used to putting down your screen and engaging in some sort of activity, you'll realize its not too bad.

#4 Digital detox : An overall healthier lifestyle

Overall, there are many benefits of digital detoxing. Since I began to digital detox, I realized a huge difference in the quality of my sleep. I began to practice no more screen time 1 hour before bed time, instead I read. I have been able to sleep quicker and the quality of sleep is much better. Studies show that not only can digital detox improve your physical health, it can also improve your mental health! According to a study in Nottingham Trent University, they discovered that 1 in 3 of the messages we receive worsens the readers moods and may cause other issues. If you're already having a bad day and wish your day could be better, try digital detoxing for just a few hours, it will definitely improve your mood and not let the day get even worse.

That's it for today guys! I hope you enjoyed these little tips and tricks for digital detoxing. Remember to like and subscribe to my free monthly newsletter for the newest information on the SLAY community! Have a great day~

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